Project final report

Institutional barriers to climate finance through a gendered lens in Fiji, Samoa, and Solomon Islands - Final Report

Date released
15 June 2023
Publication Code

Associate Professor Rowena Maguire, Dr George Carter, Elise Howard, Dr Sangeeta Mangubhai, Marita Manley, Anna Gero, and Dr Keren Winterford

Contributors: House of Sarah, Samoa Women’s Association of Growers, and Coalition of Youths for Environmental Sustainability


This project examined the types of agricultural adaptation projects funded in Fiji, Samoa, and Solomon Islands and explored how gender was incorporated into them.

Climate finance involves multilevel governance. Adaptation projects are generally developed by global climate finance institutions, national ministries, multilateral development bodies and bilateral development bodies.

This project sought to explore the decision-making processes underlying climate finance allocations and examine the types of agricultural adaptation projects that get funded. It found that global climate finance bodies prioritise technical and scientific investments in agricultural adaptation, creating barriers to locally-led adaptation. Collaboration with civil society organisations and Faith-Based Organisations found funding aligned to values, priorities, and needs, but none had been successful in accessing finance.

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