Throughout 2022, ACIAR is celebrating the achievements and impacts of 40 years of agricultural research-for-development. At the outset of 2022, ACIAR released a 2-part assessment of 40 years of research. The quantitative assessment demonstrated a total benefit of $64 billion dollars, with a $3.7 billion benefit to Australia. The qualitative assessment identified the key design, management and practice principles that support effective translation of research knowledge into development outcomes. The study gives us confidence that our well-established but continually evolving research partnership model is delivering against our vision and mission. The ACIAR business model of brokering science partnerships in agriculture, fisheries and forestry between the Australian innovation system and our neighbours in the Indo-Pacific region remains as relevant today as it was when ACIAR was established in 1982.
The year ahead sees 2 influential changes within ACIAR. Firstly, in response to the mid-term review of progress against the 10-year strategy, we will implement 5 strategic change initiatives, and secondly, with the current CEO’s appointment ending in July 2023, a new CEO will take up the reins. However, our focus on growing the knowledge base for farming and food systems, and in turn, improving livelihoods of smallholder farmers, fishers and foresters in our partner countries will continue unabated. The ACIAR Corporate Plan 2022–23 outlines how we will deliver on our 6 objectives, as set out in the ACIAR 10-Year Strategy 2018–2027.