
Initiating private sector partnerships to sustainably grow the smallholder dairy sectors of Indonesia and the Philippines

Indonesia map


This project aimed to identify potential project partners in government and private sectors to engage in collaboratively developing viable smallholder inclusive value chain models and coordination approaches to enable smallholder dairy chains to improve access to critical inputs, services, and training; leading to upgrading in production and milking processes (productivity, diary operations) and products (quality, hygiene and safety); and ultimately result in increased smallholder dairy profitability.

The project also aimed to identify how to scale-up and scale out potentially “successful” approaches and build capacity with industry, policy makers and researchers in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Project outcomes

  • Undertaking environmental scans of smallholder dairy value chains, public stakeholders, private enterprises and dairy development projects in Indonesia and the Philippines.
  • Undertaking a landscape analysis of Central and Eastern Java dairy value chains, identify potential private sector partners and evaluate the feasibility of proposed market-based interventions.
  • Developing a project prospectus for potential private sector partners for project AGB/2021/124.
  • Identifying and undertaking initial engagement meetings with potential Indonesian and Philippine private sector partners.
  • Consulting with pre-engaged dairy value chain stakeholders in Indonesia and the Philippines regarding the strategic direction and status of project AGB/2021/124.