Research need
This project aims to examine key constraints to adoption of conservation agriculture, including its long-term impacts on soil and water resources and emergent risks associated with long-term conservation agriculture practice. The results will be used to determine what pre-conditions need to be met, and what approaches are likely to be effective for inclusive out-scaling of conservation agriculture.
The Government of Bangladesh recognises that over the next 2 decades the country will experience rapid and transformational change in the agriculture sector, and that this change will need to be balanced with equitable distribution of development benefits and sustainable management of natural resources.
Conservation agriculture holds considerable promise for improved food security and agricultural sustainability in Bangladesh, however risks associated with long-term and widespread practice and the key constraints to out-scaling must be understood and addressed.
Researchable constraints include a lack of understanding of the long-term impact of conservation agriculture in rice-based systems, lack of well-proven technologies for establishment of rice under conservation agriculture, the need to improve the reliability and success of conservation agriculture and minimise risks with its on-farm practice in the long term, a lack of proven scaling approaches for conservation agriculture (without project support) and a lack of inclusive access to conservation agriculture knowledge, technologies, and services.