Soil and Land Management

Cambodian soil information system supporting sustainable upland agricultural development

Map of Cambodia


This project aims to identify and develop sustainable soil management solutions to priority soil constraints and soil degradation risks in upland agro-ecological systems in Cambodia.

Building on the work and partnerships of the ACIAR project 'Land suitability assessment and site-specific soil management for Cambodian uplands' (SMCN/2016/237), the project will continue to strengthen knowledge and capacity for managing soil resources in Cambodian uplands. 

It will introduce analytical techniques and scientific methods that focus on sustainable upland agricultural development and support the development of a soil information system and an upland soil strategy.

Smallholder farmers in extensive areas of the upland regions of Cambodia are particularly vulnerable to soil degradation. At the same time, traditional farming systems and limited knowledge of soil constraints and crop management technologies exacerbate the problem. Improving soil management to increase crop yields and returns for diverse crop options is critical to developing resilient, profitable, and sustainable upland farming systems in Cambodia.


  • Introducing new soil and land suitability assessment methodologies and identifying main soil types and landscape patterns in representative upland regions.
  • Characterising the soil and land constraints to crop production and identifying soil management technologies for these regions.
  • Providing tools and information that enable stakeholders to identify the main soil types and their constraints to crop production and select suitable soil management technologies.
  • Expanding the knowledge base of soil resources and capability for soil resource management in Cambodia.