This project aimed to develop a Theory of Change (ToC) for inclusive agribusiness models for market-oriented value chains in the Philippines.
Designed as a scoping to inform the design of ACIAR project AGB/2018/196 on inclusive value chains, it was also closely linked with AGB/2019/101, for which it provided useful information and material used in teaching.
During the development of the ToC, a partnership between Philippino researchers and representatives of key industry partners in the new project was established.
The project also conducted a "landscape assessment" to investigate perspectives on "inclusive business and value chains" of key stakeholders involved in banana, cassava, coconut and vegetable industries in Luzon, Leyte and Mindanao. Findings from Mindanao revealed that while there is no exact term for "inclusiveness" or "inclusion" in Bisaya, the major local language in these two areas, the closest related phrase used is "i-apil tanan" (to include everyone). Findings from Leyte also showed that there is no exact equivalent of the term "inclusive" or "inclusion in Bisaya and Waray-waray languages. Farmers were not familiar, but support service organisations were more acquainted with the term. The closest related terms/phrases mentioned were "pagka-apil" (to be included), "makisama" (to join), "kauban" (associate), "kaupod" (companion), "tanan dal-a" (everyone included), "tanan miyembro nisalmot" (all members participate or take part) and "nilihok tanan" (everyone takes action).
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