Traditional farming practices of smallholders have commonly included the management of trees on farms for multiple purposes, including for food, fibre and shelter. While the integration of agriculture and forestry is an ancient practice, it also has a modern relevance.
Agroforestry has the potential to provide much needed food security and nutrition, as well as wood and other products. Combined, these benefits improve the livelihoods of farming families and the resilience of communities. Though individual operations are often small scale, at a national level, the aggregate impact of smallholders practicing agroforestry can play an important role in expanding the supply base for commercial timber industries, reforesting degraded landscapes and contributing to climate change mitigation measures.
This book draws together a decade of learnings and knowledge from more than 15 ACIAR-supported projects, synthesising the latest science on purposeful tree management, farming systems and value adding by smallholders in the world’s tropical regions. It captures the complexity and richness of smallholder forestry practice and illustrates the benefits for landscapes and livelihoods.