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ACIAR staff member Mirah Nuryat during farewell ceremony in Jakarta

ACIAR is bidding farewell to its longest-serving staff member, Indonesia Country Manager Ms Mirah Nuryati, who is retiring after 33 years of service.

A group of adults sitting on the floor in a semi-circle under a shelter, engaging in a discussion. Some are wearing traditional Indian attire.

A village-based groundwater project in India has provided the foundation for an approach that now underpins India’s national groundwater program.

See where we work
ACIAR currently works in 33 countries in Indo-Pacific region
ACIAR Regions
Explore our publications
ACIAR publications tell the stories of people benefiting from our work and document the new knowledge and technology developed by our research.

This book draws together a decade of learnings and knowledge from more than 15 ACIAR-supported agroforestry projects.


The ACIAR Corporate Plan 2024–25 outlines how we will deliver on our 6 objectives, as set out in the ACIAR 10-Year Strategy 2018–2027