This project aimed to improve the livelihoods of smallholder goat farmers in Lao PDR and Vietnam by enhancing their production systems and marketing opportunities. Some of the major outcomes of the project were improved goat health and nutrition, increased goat productivity and profitability, and enhanced goat market access and value chain development.
Specific outcomes of the project include:
- Developed and tested locally appropriate feed rations and supplements for goats, based on available resources and farmer preferences
- Trained farmers and extension agents on best practices for goat feeding, management, and disease prevention
- Established community-based animal health worker networks and veterinary services to support goat health and biosecurity
- Introduced and evaluated improved goat breeds and crossbreeding strategies to increase growth rate, meat quality, and reproductive performance
- Conducted participatory breeding programs and genetic improvement schemes to select superior animals and disseminate them to farmers
- Assessed the economic viability and profitability of different goat production systems and identified potential areas for improvement
- Conducted market surveys and value chain analysis to understand the demand, supply, and price trends of goat meat and products in domestic and regional markets
- Developed and promoted quality standards and certification schemes for goat meat and products to increase consumer confidence and satisfaction
- Facilitated linkages and collaboration among goat value chain actors, such as producers, traders, processors, and retailers, to improve market information, coordination, and negotiation.
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